Biometrics work through many different process . In a movie , you may see a scenario where you will need to get the villans finger print or hand print to enter a place . This article explains how all of that work . It talks about biometric systems that use hand writing , hand geomentry , voice prints , iris structure and vein structure. In our everyday lives , we use keys to get into our homes and passwords to login to certain sites. But that also comes with many struggles . For example , if we loose a key then soemone can easily steal it and get into our house. It can also be copied easily. Or if we forget a password then that is also a struggle . Biometrics makes all that easier . Biometrics uses your identification to idenify who you are. It is able to use physical characteristics like the ones listed earlier . The first step of this whole process is enrollment . Enrollment is when you use the biometric system for the first time and it records basic information like your name or an identification number . After that it captures an image or recording your specific trait . The next step is storage . Unlike what we usually see in movies , most systems do not store the complete image or recording . Instead , it analyzes traits and translates that trait of yours into a code or graph . There are some systems that record this data into a smart card , which you may carry around with you . The thitrd step is comparison . That is the step where it compares your trait to the information on the file . Based on that data and info it accepts or rejects who you claim to be . Systems also use the same three components . It has a sensor which detects the characteristics that are being used for identification. It also has a computer that reads and stores the information . And a softwarre that analyzes the characteristics , translates it into a graph or code and then it does the comparison .Hand writing may be easy to copy . But biometric system just doesn't look at how each later is shaped . It also looks at the act of the letter and the amount of pressure you put on to write each letter . It also examines the speed and rythm in which you write . They also look at the sequence in which you form the letter .These traits will bve very hard to forge . Hand or fingers are also used for this system . It is very simple . All you have to do is place your hand on a flat surface against several pegs to make the scanning more accurate . After that the camera takes one or more picture of your hand and the shadows it casts . Hands and fingers however can be risky . Because an injury on the hand or finger can change things around . Which will cause the system to not recognize your hand or finger . Unique characteristics like voice happens to provide a higher security. Voice happens to be more accurate due to the shape of the vocal cavities and the way the mouth moves while speaking . For the voiceprint a spectogram is used , which is basically a graph that shows the accuracy of the voice using vertical and horizontal axis . Voice print can be used to access information without being physically present . Unfrotunately , some people can even fail that system . Iris scanning is another form of biometrics . It's more safer than the previously listed biometrics . In the center of an iris scanner is a simple CCD digital camera . People's iris are very unique , so the chances of being able to break that system is very difficult . Vein is also completely different . So vein geometry is another very high form of biometrics. Fingerprint is the most common and well known form of biometrics . Finger prints are a very high form of security becasue everyone has their own fingerprint . It is very highly unlikely for someone to have the same fingrprint as someone else . Even identical twins happen to have different fingerprints.
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