How Biometrics Work?

Biometrics work through many different process . In a movie , you may see a scenario where you will need to get the villans finger print or hand print to enter a place . This article explains how all of that work . It talks about biometric systems that use hand writing , hand geomentry , voice prints , iris structure and vein structure. In our everyday lives , we use keys to get into our homes and passwords to login to certain sites. But that also comes with many struggles . For example , if we loose a key then soemone can easily steal it and get into our house. It can also be copied easily. Or if we forget a password then that is also a struggle . Biometrics makes all that easier . Biometrics uses your identification to idenify who you are. It is able to use physical characteristics like the ones listed earlier . The first step of this whole process is enrollment . Enrollment is when you use the biometric system for the first time and it records basic information like your name or an identification number . After that it captures an image or recording your specific trait . The next step is storage . Unlike what we usually see in movies , most systems do not store the complete image or recording . Instead , it analyzes traits and translates that trait of yours into a code or graph . There are some systems that record this data into a smart card , which you may carry around with you . The thitrd step is comparison . That is the step where it compares your trait to the information on the file . Based on that data and info it accepts or rejects who you claim to be . Systems also use the same three components . It has a sensor which detects the characteristics that are being used for identification. It also has a computer that reads and stores the information . And a softwarre that analyzes the characteristics , translates it into a graph or code and then it does the comparison .Hand writing may be easy to copy . But biometric system just doesn't look at how each later is shaped . It also looks at the act of the letter and the amount of pressure you put on to write each letter . It also examines the speed and rythm in which you write . They also look at the sequence in which you form the letter .These traits will bve very hard to forge . Hand or fingers are also used for this system . It is very simple . All you have to do is place your hand on a flat surface against several pegs to make the scanning more accurate . After that the camera takes one or more picture of your hand and the shadows it casts . Hands and fingers however can be risky . Because an injury on the hand or finger can change things around . Which will cause the system to not recognize your hand or finger . Unique characteristics like voice happens to provide a higher security. Voice happens to be more accurate due to the shape of the vocal cavities and the way the mouth moves while speaking . For the voiceprint a spectogram is used , which is basically a graph that shows the accuracy of the voice using vertical and horizontal axis . Voice print can be used to access information without being physically present . Unfrotunately , some people can even fail that system . Iris scanning is another form of biometrics . It's more safer than the previously listed biometrics . In the center of an iris scanner is a simple CCD digital camera . People's iris are very unique , so the chances of being able to break that system is very difficult . Vein is also completely different . So vein geometry is another very high form of biometrics. Fingerprint is the most common and well known form of biometrics . Finger prints are a very high form of security becasue everyone has their own fingerprint . It is very highly unlikely for someone to have the same fingrprint as someone else . Even identical twins happen to have different fingerprints. Click here Glitch!

3D Printing

Everyone has been talking about 3D printing for the past few years . But what exactly is 3D printing ? 3D printing is a form of printing , where you get to basically print an object rather than words or pictures on a paper . 3D printing stands for three dimensional printing . 3D printing is exapanding rapidly and is expected to be used for many purposes . It can come in handy for the use of health care . It can be used for many things like tissue and organ fabrication; creation of customized prosthetics, implants, and anatomical models; and pharmaceutical research regarding drug dosage forms, delivery. It can also be used for discoveries . The application of 3D printing in medicine can provide many benefits, including: the customization and personalization of medical products, drugs, and equipment; cost-effectiveness; increased productivity; the democratization of design and manufacturing; and enhanced collaboration.3D printing is processed by placing msterials in layers like plastic , metals , power , liquid cells and even living cells . There are many ways of 3D printing . Each form work in a different way . Each form of 3D printing use different computer printer technologies , speeds , resolutions, and hundreds of materials . The 3D system was founded by Charles Hull in the 1980's. Back then , it was called the “stereolithography,”. While working on that system he had discovered the 3D system . Which he later on converted into the 3D printer . Everything is controlled by the computer including the determination of the color , thickness and the texture of the object . His work and research has helped change the way of manufacturing making things more adavnced . Now 3D printing has been used for manufacturing inudustring for decades . The type of 3D printer that gets chosen completely depends on what object you are working on and what material is being used . Anothre benefit of this printer is that it allows items to be produceed cheaply. Not only is it cheap but it's also fast compared to many other methods of manufacturing . 3D printing can be used for many purposes . It canbe very helpful for manufacturing and for the use of medical fields and also many other fields . It has been useful for health purposes since the 2000's . However , there are some flaws . But it being worked on and is expected to be more advanced as time goes by .

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Personal Computer

We use computer's everyday for many different purposes. And it helps us with our everyday lives . A computer has many different parts that makes it able to function properly. The nerwork wire is used for the transformation of data . It is also used for connecting and transferring information between computers , routers , switches and storage area networks .A mouse is another part of the computer .The mouse is used for clicking . The mouse is an input device . When you move the mouse along a flat surface , it makes the cursor or the pointer on the computer move to wherever you move the mouse . The mouse is connected by a wire that connects to the monitor , however , now there are also wireless mouse which is more advanced . A keyboard is another input device . It is very similar to an electronic typewriter and is used for the purpose of typing . A keyboard is composed of buttons that create letters , numbers , symbols and can also perform many other funtions . Some of those funtions are like scrolling down , screenshotting , changing brightness , controlling the volume and etc. The HDMI cable , which is short for High Definition Multimedia Interface is a connector and cable that is able to transmit high quality and high bandwith streams of audio and video between devices . It is one of the necessary parts for the computer . This device can also be used for other things like HDTV projector , DVD player , or Blu-ray player . The power cable is another important part of the computer . It is an electrical cable with one or more electrical conductors that is held togehter by an overall sheath. The main purpose of this cable is to supply electrial power . The base unit is the main part of the PC. It is also known as desktop computer (the one that lies flat ) or tower unit (the one that stands upright). It's the main box where you insert CD's or any other disks .The monitor is the output device and it is the device that displays images , text and everything else. There is also another very important equipment . The power suppply is the electrical device that supplies electric power to an electric load .It's primary function is to convert electrict current from a source to the correct voltage , current and frequency to power the load .